Quasar has a unique chat system. It allows you to chat with players, AI, and directly with the game environment via "slash commands". There will also be custom user-created slash commands for agencies. (soon)
Below is an example of a terminal command that creates a new user account.
/create specifies the action, user is the type of "thing" you're commanding, and the following text generally completes the action.
Be careful when choosing your username as only 1 username can be created per Google account. Changing your username once it is set is not currently possible.
Here is a list of all functioning commands currently on the terminal:
Account Management:
/create user <name> - Create a new account
/login <name> - Login to your account
/logout - Logout from your account
Agency Management:
/create agency <name> - Create a new agency (an agency isn't joinable by default; use the /joinable command to allow it)
/joinable on/off - add join restriction to your agency
/list - List all agencies
/agency details - Show your agency details
/join agency <name> - Join an agency
/info agency <name> - Show an agency details
/quit agency - Leave your current agency
/motd - See message of the day (MOTD)
/summon pricebot - Assist you with cryptocurrency-related inquiries
/help - Show this help message
Make sure you add the "/" before every command you attempt, or it won't do anything.